Empowering technology to fight child abuse

AMICI Tech Partnership: Background checks for a purpose

Together We can end child sexual exploitation

SnowBell Project is happy to announce a partnership with AMICI Tech! a social enterprise providing background check services,

Backy Check!

In a conjunct effort to end child sexual exploitation and to make the community we are living in a safer and happier place, Backy Check has become our main supporter


Backy Check is the commercial arm of AMICI Tech, a social enterprise that financially supports SnowBell Project. This means every time you process a background check with Backy Check, you are helping us provide a safer world for the children.

Backy Check goal is to serve the community and support the people who are most in need or in difficulties, and it is well aligned with SnowBell goal of ending child sexual exploitation.

They provide both companies and individuals with multiple screening services promoting work safety, prevent fraud and supporting our community with different solutions.

Because of Backy Check social purpose, they have special discounts on police checks for charities, volunteers, firefighters, health workers, students and other people and businesses aligned with our values.

Backy Check background checks

Give Backy Check your preference and help SnowBell Project and our fight against children exploitation

Backy Check role in our community

Background checks are very important for a number of reasonsChild with paper red heart on a desk

  1. To hire the right person. In fact hiring the right person will save a lot of money down the path. The are not only hiring costs to take into account, but also a snowball effect that hiring a wrong person can generate, for example, loss of clients, frictions with the suppliers, introducing a bad culture in the company, or hiring more bad people.

  2. To reduce frauds. Background checks can be used to check fraudsters, through a police check, or a comprehensive credit report, or an online identity check. Backy Check has access to unique resources which help you and your business make informed decisions.

  3. To reduce threats against vulnerable people. Many workers are required to be trusted more than others, for example people working with children, seniors, people subject to modern slavery, people with impaired intellectual or physical functioning. Those categories, who are more vulnerable than others need to be protected, and the community needs to trust workers dealing with those categories. Background checks are helping protecting those vulnerable people.

  4. To reduce the risk of unpaid debts. You and your business need to know who you are dealing with before it is too late. Background checks can reduce the risk of trouble in dealing with the wrong people.

Overall Backy Check is all about risk management, protect our credibility and help with trust issues.

Child building blocks

The impact on SnowBell Project

Backy Check is able to help us in some key areas such as:

  • Continue with the work and research on predators behaviour.

  • Sustain the development which has been challenged financially by the impact of the COVID-19.

  • Support our technology, software and data which is core to develop our predator tracker and missing children search. Hence it allows SnowBell to finally invest in tools needed to our development.

  • Employ skilled data analysts, developers, and engage with the right volunteers.

  • Enhance the awareness of the child sexual exploitation issue, and end it once and for all.